WNMU-TV Locally-Produced Programs on DVD
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Videos Available for Purchase
The U.P. Recalls The WAR
In this documentary, people living in the Upper Peninsula recall World War II, sharing images and stories from the battlefields of Europe, and the home towns we know and love. They take us from the Battle of the Bulge, to Italy with the 10th Mountain Division, to the glider factory in Kingsford, and to the mines of the U.P. iron range. This is the story of people who fought for freedom in the greatest war the world has ever known, both abroad and at home.
(2007, 60 minutes)
DVD with special features -- $40
Copper, Iron & Gold: Upper Michigan's Legacy
Our 2005 documentary tells the story of early mining towns in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan--then and now. We discover the history and heritage of copper, iron and gold by visiting communities built by mining and by listening to the stories of the people who forged a living out of the earth for their families, leaving a legacy for many generations to inherit. (2005, 58 minutes)
DVD with special features -- $20
From Mali to Michigan: A Musical Bridge
This 2006 documentary is about musical collaboration in the global age. The program details the visit of African World Music pop diva Naïny Diabaté to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and her extraordinary collaboration with local artists. Location footage juxtaposes the edge of the Sahara with the shores of Lake Superior.
(2006, 28 minutes)
DVD -- $20
Lumberjack Life: U.P. Days of Yore
This Emmy award-winning WNMU-TV documentary is an account of the men and women who worked in the Upper Peninsula’s lumber industry, from the late 19th century to modern times. (2003, 43 minutes)
DVD w/ special features or VHS -- $20
Michigan’s Gray Wolf: Ghost of the Big Timber
This award-winning documentary explores differing points of view surrounding the resurgence of the Gray Wolf in the Upper Peninsula. Produced by NMU professor Dwight Brady and Nick VanCourt. Includes a behind-the-scenes interview with the producers. (2004, 42 minutes)
DVD with special features or VHS -- $20
One Room, Many Stories: Schoolhouse Memories
WNMU-TV’s award-winning documentary tells stories of teaching and learning in one-room schoolhouses in the Upper Peninsula. (2002, 40 minutes)
DVD with special features or VHS -- $20
Barnes-Hecker: Memories of a Misfortune
The story of Marquette County’s 1926 mine disaster, told in a thrilling, award-wining WNMU-TV documentary. Includes the original program plus additional interviews.
(2001, 35 minutes)
DVD or VHS -- $20
Anatomy '59: The Making of a Classic Motion Picture
Documentary details the story behind the 1959 Marquette County, Michigan on-location filming of Otto Preminger’s classic courtroom drama, Anatomy of a Murder. In this documentary, surviving cast members share their memories about the filming, and new research uncovers little-known facts about the film and the original court trial.
DVDs are available only through Producer John Pepin. To purchase a DVD, email anatomy59@gmail.com for more information.
Sondorgo: Live at the Kaufman Auditorium
On April 5, 2019, an extremely talented band of five Hungarian musicians played a concert in Marquette, MI. Includes the 50 minute program as seen on WNMU-TV PBS.
DVD -- $20

High School Bowl
Programs from recent seasons are available on DVD. Specify the school and broadcast date or year of the program when ordering.
Digital copy -- $20

NMU Commencement
Captures all the pomp and circumstance of NMU's commencement ceremonies, including close-ups of the graduates receiving their diplomas.
(Specify year and either Mid-year or Spring ceremony. 70-120 minutes)
DVD or digital copy -- $20

Media Meet
Recent Media Meet programs are available on DVD. Specify the episode title/topic or broadcast date of the program when ordering. Check our selection of Media Meet online videos for available programs.
DVD or digital copy -- $20