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Publicity on WNMU-TV: Public Service Announcements, News Releases & Calendar Listings

WNMU-TV does not provide on-air community calendar listings and we can't broadcast your pre-produced video public service announcements or PSAs. With that in mind, if you still want to send us news releases or announcements, you may email them to:

WNMU-TV can help local groups promote events and educational opportunities on What's UP?, a three to four minute community calendar interview program that airs irregularly between programs on 13.1. If you have an event you need help promoting, contact producer Bob Thomson at least one month prior to the event to schedule a taping. Someone from your group must be willing to appear on the program.

WNMU-TV also allows announcements as part of our Underwriting Partner sponsorship program, as a "thank-you" for a $150 pledge of support. Underwriting Partnership gives you 16 on-air announcements on the day of your choice. Many individuals have "donated" their Underwriting Partner on-air credit for the purpose of promoting events for organizations they support.  If you’re interested in becoming an Underwriting Partner as a way to promote your event, please contact membership coordinator Marianne Eyer or call 277-1300 or 800-227-9668.

WNMU-FM offers Northern Notes, a community calendar listing on Public Radio 90 for events happening in the Upper Peninsula and northeastern Wisconsin. Here is a link to their submission form. Please read their guildelines before submitting your event.